• I’m. So. Done.

    I reached my goal, and now I’m done.

    When Leon was born, I wanted to try breastfeeding for one month. I didn’t anticipate being able to breastfeed at all since I had read so much about how difficult it was, but the nurses in the hospital were helpful and encouraged trying. I was pretty shocked we survived the first few weeks, so I pushed our goal out to three months. Then six months. Then a year.

    But I recently realized breastfeeding was no longer enjoyable to me and I was looking forward to the day I would wean. I battled so much momguilt after that realization because I know that Leon prefers breastfeeding over drinking from bottles. But now he’s able to drink cow’s milk since he’s over a year old — and he loves Minh just fine despite his non-lactating nipples, so I figured he’ll be fine without mine.

    We made it. One year without a drop of formula.

    And was it worth it?

    Probably not, actually.

    I spent so much time in the early days power-pumping around the clock to increase my supply, washing pump parts with that stupid pipe-cleaner brush, and massaging so many painful clogs. I escaped every few hours we were apart to hook myself up to a machine for 30 minutes. I got mastitis and had to go on antibiotics twice. I had high lipase milk and had to scald everything I pumped on the stove before I could freeze it. In the first few months I frequently laid in bed at night, unable to sleep because of the pain from my chapped, cracked, and/or blistered nipples. I was sick several times since I started my new job, but couldn’t take the medicine I’d need to feel better. I got bit almost every nursing session lately. I stressed daily about whether or not I’d have enough milk for the following day. And for crying out loud, I haven’t had any caffeine since before he was born.

    And Leon was sick constantly, so it’s not even like he has a shiny immune system to show for it. But hey, I probably saved a few bucks, so there’s that.

    I gave it a try. And it was a good try. So a pat on the back to me and a pat on the back to Leon, but now it’s time to move on.


    Here’s a cute photo from Leon’s birthday party as alms for reading about my boobs.
  • A Letter to My Son

    To my sweet boy,

    A year ago today, after 19 hours of labor ending with an emergency c-section, I met the baby who made it all worth it. In just 365 days since, you have taught me how to love unconditionally and how to enjoy the “little” moments.

    This past year has been the most enjoyable year of my life. I watched this flailing newbie grow into a beautiful, happy, curious boy who likes chewing on his socks and dances to The Office theme song EVERY time. I’ll never get tired of popping into your classroom at daycare and seeing your face light up when you notice me. I love watching your sense of humor blossom every day — it’s ALMOST like you’re a little 28″ version of your father. You’re so present in each moment and so creative in how you interact with the world.

    We’ve had our share of challenges (a NICU stay, 10ish months of sleep deprivation, an ambulance ride to Children’s…), but your persistently happy outlook has taught me a thing or two about thinking positively and holding on to what really matters.

    Happy first birthday, little monkey — I feel like I’ve known you for so long already, yet at the same time I can’t wait to learn you as you grow older.



  • Goodbye, Six

    Six bit Leon yesterday. She was laying on the floor where he was playing. Minh and I were on my computers, and I turned my head in time to see Six growl and snap at Leon. She has arthritis and has had trouble walking lately, so we think Leon just touched her in a way that hurt her. I’m still shocked — I’ve never seen her get aggressive in almost 7 years of knowing her. But old age and pain must have changed her personality to some extent, but even still she seemed to know immediately that she made a mistake.

    Leon cried but could be consoled easily. I cried much longer than he did, and literally cycled through all Five Stages of Grief in about 10 minutes. How could she do something like this?! She’s done here; we have to get rid of her. She didn’t mean to do it! She’s been good for all these years and she messed up and now her life is going to change forever! Finally, That’s just what we’ve got to do.

    So Six is getting a new home. I’m sad for her, but I don’t want to risk it happening again. She’s a good dog and I’m sure there’s a family out there who can love her who doesn’t have little kids. She was frustrated being confined in our backyard anyway, so maybe it’s for the best.

    Meanwhile, Leon’s walking about 75 percent of the time, and he’s getting quite the sense of humor. He chased me through the house today with a onesie; he cackled maniacally when Minh chased him through the house; and this morning he tricked me like he was going to share his food, but shoved it in his mouth and giggled when I held out my hand.

  • Croup is Crap

    Leon’s been having such a hard time lately with the festering cesspool of disease and pestilence daycare. The past few months it seems like he gets over an illness only to get sick again a few days later.

    On Thursday morning when I nursed my walking petri dish son, he was making a weird honking sound; sometimes he just needs to cough and doesn’t actually do it until he tries to talk, so I didn’t think much of it, especially since he wasn’t acting weird.

    I was wrapping up a meeting at work that morning when I got a call from daycare (shoutout to that moment of dread when you see the school show up on your caller ID). They told me that he had a fever of 100.3, and if it went up 0.3 degrees he’d need to be sent home. We decided to play it by ear since he’s been teething, but I got another call a couple hours later that his temp spiked to 101.4 and he needed to go home to rest. Minh was the real MVP that day and worked from home so I could stay at the office since I’ve already missed work so much lately due to being sick.

    Leon seemed fine and was eating well all day on Thursday, so the pediatrician assumed it was an ear infection. But then he woke up at about 10:30 that night with some pretty serious stridor and a fever that we couldn’t get to go down. We brought him to the ER, where they diagnosed him with viral croup. They gave him a dose of steroids and a nebulizer treatment and said they wanted to monitor him for a couple hours to make sure he was reacting positively to the medication.

    I laid with Leon on the stretcher bed in the room and drifted in and out of sleep between nurse visits. Minh stretched out between a plastic chair and the foot of the stretcher, but when we realized after a couple hours that we were going to be there for a while longer, he went out to the car to sleep.

    Leon had a tired whiny cry, probably less from being sick and more from the staff opening the door and waking him up every 30 minutes. After another dose of steroids and a second nebulizer treatment, he still had a raspy stridor when he inhaled. So at 5:30 a.m., he was taken by ambulance to Children’s Medical Center.

    Thankfully the steroids kicked in not long after we got to the hospital, so he was mainly just admitted as a precaution. After about five hours of being monitored, he was discharged and we got to go home. Such a stressful, emotional, and all-around exhausting night.

    Yesterday he cried and slept a lot. He didn’t want anything to do with his crib, so Minh and I took turns holding him while he slept. He was awake probably three hours total throughout the day, but this morning he woke up at his usual time and was extra smiley/giggly. (He’s doing this thing lately where he grins extra hard and says “heeeee” and it’s literally the cutest thing ever.) I’m hopeful that he’s on the mend!

    With Thanksgiving coming up this week, I’m extra thankful to have a partner who helps when I need a break, a flexible job, and good medical resources nearby. I’m also thankful that we’ve already hit our deductible for the year!

  • First Steps

    It’s been a minute since I’ve last posted (homeslice has gotten me sick twice in the past three weeks #ThanksLeon), and this little man has changed so much recently!

    He took his first steps about a week ago. He’s only taken a step once since (that I’ve seen), but I’m sure he’ll be running around before we’re ready no matter what. He can stand for about 5-10 seconds at a time, and he can cruise furniture and walk around using only one hand for balance.

    Despite the fact that I bought a fuzzy stuffed monkey ages ago to be his lovey, I guess his socks have filled the role. He puts them in his mouth and crawls around with them, and I can typically distract him for a solid 60 seconds by giving him one of the half-dozen socks strewn around the house. There is a chance I have been encouraging this because I think it’s funny.

    He’s getting really good at eating with his fingers. In fact, since he’s started the transition to the First Steps room at daycare, he’s shunned purees since he sees his big-kid friends eating with their fingers. (This is cool, but I hope he’s not as easily swayed by peer pressure as a teenager.) He loves freeze-dried fruits – and I love them too, because they’re easy to grab on the go. He eats sooo much — typically he’s shoveling food in his mouth consistently for a good 30 minutes before we cut him off so he doesn’t get a tummyache. So far his favorites are chicken, bananas, and black beans. (He did love avocados until one day last week he decided mid-meal they were the worst and he hasn’t eaten them since. Kids, amirite?)

    He can sign “more” and “all done,” but he often gets frustrated when he’s hungry and forgets to do them. But he can say “mama” and “dada” very clearly. He loves giving Minh high-fives.

    His left front tooth has poked through, and the right one will break through the gumline any day.

    His school pictures came back — look at this handsome little goober.


  • Leon’s Guide to Eating Bread

    1. Admire that mommy took the time to tear up bread into bite-sized chunks.
    2. Shove all chunks into mouth at once.
    3. Realize that there is too much bread in mouth.
    4. Pull soggy bread out of mouth and kindly set in mommy’s hand.
    5. Immediately put bread back in mouth.
  • Leon’s Adventures

    ​I’m starting a new job tomorrow, and I happened to have a few days off for the transition, so I promised my family we’d visit them up in Iowa. It was a three-day visit including travel, so unfortunately we didn’t have much time with either side, but considering it was Leon’s first time traveling longer than an hour away from home I was fine with a “trial run” trip.

    We started off by flying to Minneapolis. I nursed Leon on takeoff and we both slept soundly until even after the plane landed (probably because we both had been awake since 3:30…). We rented a car and drove over three hours to my hometown, and Leon slept all but a half-hour of that.

    He’s at a fun age, so I was thankful that my parents got to see his new tricks from the past few months: feeding himself, pulling to stand, putting small objects into larger objects, signing and asking for “more,” pulling things off of where they’re supposed to be and then just kind of putting them back (my poor brother was traumatized that his DVD collection was tampered with).

    He slept pretty well at night on the trip, all things considered. The last day of the trip he was extremely fussy and screamed the entire time we were at the airport. I chalked it up to teething because he was also drooling and pulling on his ears.

    He cried all day yesterday. Thankfully we had a 9-month wellness check this morning, where the doctor immediately showed me the ulcer in the back of his throat.

    Poor baby. I feel horrible giving him ibuprofen because I’m sure that only made it worse. No wonder he’s grumpy. He ate a slice of bread and a few grapes this afternoon but nursed all day long. I think the breastmilk is helping though, because he’s significantly calmer and is drooling less.

    I’ve been getting little sneak peeks of my happy baby here and there. Earlier today he was excited that I let him play with the remote, even though he had just spit up on the couch. I’ll take it.

  • Oblivious to Danger

    When Leon first learned to crawl, Minh arranged the furniture in the living room to section off a baby-safe corner of the house. The new arrangement insulted the house’s feng shui* — but it achieved its purpose of keeping Leon reined in, so I tried not to complain too much. But as time went on he would scream like a banshee when we set him down in his play area because he knew he was stuck there. So before Minh got home on Friday I rearranged the furniture back to its original position, and Leon’s been cheerfully cruising around the house ever since.

    We’re still getting the hang of having a danger-oblivious munchkin at our heels. This morning I opened the door to let the dogs out, and when I turned around I found Leon wrist-deep in Six’s bowl, happily sucking on a kibble of dog food. (Mind you, this wasn’t the first time he’s eaten dog food since the furniture rearrangement.) Yesterday Minh did the same and ended up fishing a dried leaf out of Leon’s mouth.

    Between his mobility and his fearlessness, we’ve had to keep a careful eye (and hand) on him at all times. For example, I was giving him a bath a couple days ago and he thought it was hilarious to lurch forward and slide around in the tub. Giggle, rinse, repeat. What he didn’t notice (or care about) was that I was clutching his arm so he didn’t fall backwards and smack the back of his head on the porcelain. During his bath yesterday I think he realized it wasn’t quite as fun to slide around in a bathtub that has anti-slip bath decals. Leon: 0, Mom: 1.

    He’s definitely developing preferences, not just for danger, but also for “toys” (cups, flat objects like books, doorstops, lids — not any of the toys I actually spent money on) and foods (butternut squash, chicken, blueberries, grapes, melon, dog food). This weekend he kept shouting “Muh!” in his high chair. I was so excited that he could articulate the “m” sound — was he actually saying “mom”?! But Minh quickly pointed out that he was consistently yelling “muh” whenever I wasn’t putting food on his tray fast enough.

    More. He was saying more.

    My son’s first word is a demand to keep shoveling food in his mouth.

    * Just kidding. It was mostly just a pain to crawl over furniture every time I wanted to sit down and watch TV.

  • Having Fun

    Leon’s getting pretty good at copying us lately. He claps, dances, and plays peek-a-boo when we do. He even “dances” towards Six and giggles hysterically when she dances back. He’s at a really fun age.


    I’ve started a UX certification course at SMU, which will mean I won’t see Leon on Tuesday nights for the next 12 weeks. I’m looking forward to increasing my skillset career-wise, and I still feel like it’s the right choice for me, but I’m really dreading being away from Leon. I know it’s not like I’ll be gone much, but I’m still bummed about not being there.

  • Leon’s Helmet

    So far just in the past week, Leon’s busted his lip, given himself a black eye, and gotten a half-dozen other bruises on his forehead. His lead teacher said she doesn’t know what to do about him, because he doesn’t understand that there won’t always be someone there to catch him when he pulls himself up and starts jumping.

    (Side note: The second I walked into daycare the other day, the office manager said: “I was just about to call you!” Cue me sighing and walking into the infant room only to find Leon sniffling with a little goose-egg on his noggin. Apparently his teacher put him in the padded donut while she fed another baby, thinking he’d be OK as usual — and from across the room she saw him put his hands on the rim of the donut like he was going to crawl out…then froggy-jump and face-plant on the floor.)

    I know he’ll get bruised a lot, but to try and minimize the number of incident reports I have to sign each week, I caved and bought him a helmet.

    He is 100% his father’s son. He wants to go everywhere and zero fear of hurting himself. I now know what his teachers mean when they say “he’s so energetic” — it means he’s hard to tame!