A Letter to My Son, Again
To my sweet boy,
Two short years ago you were a delicate squish hooked up to a dozen wires. Today you’re a goofy toddler who loves to dance, play outside, “cheese” (aka take selfies), and read all the Arthur books. You’ve worked hard to learn your ABCs, numbers 1 to 11, shapes, colors, body parts, and 20+ animal sounds! You enjoy dancing to the ‘Letter of the Day’ song every day with your dada. You insist on closing every door in the house, and you’re quick to wipe every mess you make into your hair.
I hope you never lose your independent spirit — today you insist on putting on your own shoes, but I hope you learn to work hard and stand up for yourself. I hope you stay as silly as you are now, and never let anyone else dampen that giddy spirit. I hope you’re always as curious as you are today, and that you learn to explore the world in a way that allows you to see life from others’ perspectives. Today (and every day), I hope you feel how much you’re loved and how much Dada and I want the absolute best for you.
The world is your canvas. Happy birthday, Leon Maddox <3