A Letter to My Son
To my sweet boy,
A year ago today, after 19 hours of labor ending with an emergency c-section, I met the baby who made it all worth it. In just 365 days since, you have taught me how to love unconditionally and how to enjoy the “little” moments.
This past year has been the most enjoyable year of my life. I watched this flailing newbie grow into a beautiful, happy, curious boy who likes chewing on his socks and dances to The Office theme song EVERY time. I’ll never get tired of popping into your classroom at daycare and seeing your face light up when you notice me. I love watching your sense of humor blossom every day — it’s ALMOST like you’re a little 28″ version of your father. You’re so present in each moment and so creative in how you interact with the world.
We’ve had our share of challenges (a NICU stay, 10ish months of sleep deprivation, an ambulance ride to Children’s…), but your persistently happy outlook has taught me a thing or two about thinking positively and holding on to what really matters.
Happy first birthday, little monkey — I feel like I’ve known you for so long already, yet at the same time I can’t wait to learn you as you grow older.