Leon’s Adventures

​I’m starting a new job tomorrow, and I happened to have a few days off for the transition, so I promised my family we’d visit them up in Iowa. It was a three-day visit including travel, so unfortunately we didn’t have much time with either side, but considering it was Leon’s first time traveling longer than an hour away from home I was fine with a “trial run” trip.

We started off by flying to Minneapolis. I nursed Leon on takeoff and we both slept soundly until even after the plane landed (probably because we both had been awake since 3:30…). We rented a car and drove over three hours to my hometown, and Leon slept all but a half-hour of that.

He’s at a fun age, so I was thankful that my parents got to see his new tricks from the past few months: feeding himself, pulling to stand, putting small objects into larger objects, signing and asking for “more,” pulling things off of where they’re supposed to be and then just kind of putting them back (my poor brother was traumatized that his DVD collection was tampered with).

He slept pretty well at night on the trip, all things considered. The last day of the trip he was extremely fussy and screamed the entire time we were at the airport. I chalked it up to teething because he was also drooling and pulling on his ears.

He cried all day yesterday. Thankfully we had a 9-month wellness check this morning, where the doctor immediately showed me the ulcer in the back of his throat.

Poor baby. I feel horrible giving him ibuprofen because I’m sure that only made it worse. No wonder he’s grumpy. He ate a slice of bread and a few grapes this afternoon but nursed all day long. I think the breastmilk is helping though, because he’s significantly calmer and is drooling less.

I’ve been getting little sneak peeks of my happy baby here and there. Earlier today he was excited that I let him play with the remote, even though he had just spit up on the couch. I’ll take it.

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