Leon’s Helmet
So far just in the past week, Leon’s busted his lip, given himself a black eye, and gotten a half-dozen other bruises on his forehead. His lead teacher said she doesn’t know what to do about him, because he doesn’t understand that there won’t always be someone there to catch him when he pulls himself up and starts jumping.
(Side note: The second I walked into daycare the other day, the office manager said: “I was just about to call you!” Cue me sighing and walking into the infant room only to find Leon sniffling with a little goose-egg on his noggin. Apparently his teacher put him in the padded donut while she fed another baby, thinking he’d be OK as usual — and from across the room she saw him put his hands on the rim of the donut like he was going to crawl out…then froggy-jump and face-plant on the floor.)
I know he’ll get bruised a lot, but to try and minimize the number of incident reports I have to sign each week, I caved and bought him a helmet.
He is 100% his father’s son. He wants to go everywhere and zero fear of hurting himself. I now know what his teachers mean when they say “he’s so energetic” — it means he’s hard to tame!