On the Move

Leon can’t sit still for anything these days. Changing his diaper is like wrestling a greased pig in the dark because he wants to play with the wipes package, the baby powder, or the lamp. Also he recently discovered that there’s something fun down there to play with, which means I’ve had to dodge poopy hands a few times.

And we had to rearrange the furniture in the living room — the couch is now butt up against the sectional, and the ottoman is pushed against the couch to make a huge enclosed area. It looks horrible and it’s really annoying climbing over furniture, but Leon hasn’t yet figured out that he can just squeeze through the ottoman and the wall to escape, so I guess that’s something.

The only time lately that he’s stayed in one spot is when I set him down on grass. Maybe we just need to lay a strip of sod around the areas of the house that we don’t want him getting into. Ha!


I take no responsibility for this outfit. Daycare sent him home looking like this.

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