The Secret’s Out

Yesterday, at exactly eleven weeks, Minh and I had our second doctor’s appointment for #THAB. We didn’t have an ultrasound this time, but we did get to hear the heartbeat! Thankfully Minh thought to record the audio on his phone, so now we have a takeaway to listen to until my next visit.

The doctor said that after hearing the heartbeat, we were essentially in the clear to tell friends and family. So of course we told EVERYONE. I wanted to wait until Wednesday so I could ship my brother a t-shirt that said something like “I’m going to be an uncle,” but the proud daddy was too excited to wait a couple more days. My brother was ecstatic to learn that he’s going to be an uncle — apparently he’s already told everyone that we’re having a girl (which we won’t know until the labwork comes back next week)!

I’m so excited now that the cat’s out of the bag! I can actually say things now!

Also, can I just say how much I like being pregnant (so far)? Minh’s been making me smoothies every morning and rubbing my belly before he falls asleep at night. I tell myself he’s just doing it for baby, but I’m definitely not going to turn down special treatment! And, I’m starting to get some of my energy back, so hopefully I’ll have more strength to decorate the nursery and plan a little better. Here’s to my last 12 days of the first trimester (and beyond)!

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